For the brave hearted

“The most important decision a person will make is who they marry.”
-warren buffett

Your life is a gift, a journey, and hey, (sometimes even a simulation). It is about being present, and living in deep connection with your parts and partner(s). To celebrate the small things, and bravely transform the big things.  

It’s time. Your new relationship starts now. 

I am with you.

You are an executive, an entrepreneur, and a creative, focused on building an authentic life that is true to your core values and vision. Together, in partnership, we will get you to where your heart and body need to be.

About Alysha Malik

I combine my experience in business leadership and intimacy to help you transform your relationship with your true authentic self, your career, and your love life. As a South-Asian Canadian, I grew up split between two cultures and lacked deep emotional relationships, and a sense of belonging.

The quality of relationships around us determines the quality of our lives and the longevity of our lives.

After working in community building, Venture Capital, and launching a marketplace of better-for-her intimacy products and brands, I realized that I always had a passion for weaving human connection and creating meaningful, lasting relationships. But, on some level, I still wasn’t fully embracing my gifts and dharma. So, I did the work and went within. From certifications in The Hoffman Institute and the Belong Institute to getting clinically trained in IMAGO, a modality for Relationship Therapy, and in the process of getting certified as a coach by the ICF (the golden standard in coaching), I am here to spread my mission of helping humans connect better with their parts and partners.  Let's open your hearts and minds together.